300 Museums and Exhibition Spaces in Hungary
(in English see below)
Könyvünk a korábban megjelent 300 múzeum és kiállítóhely Magyarországon című könyv aktualizált, angol nyelvű fordításaként a legfontosabb magyarországi múzeumokat és kiállítóhelyeket mutatja be, így elsősorban a hazánkba érkező turisták számára készült. Célja, hogy átfogó képet nyújtson a hazai múzeumi szféráról, felmutatva annak sokszínűségét, jól ismert és rejtett értékeit, érdekességeit, s a benne szereplő intézmények közelebbi megismerésére, felkeresésére ösztönözze olvasóját.
This book presents the most important museums and exhibition spaces in Hungary. The goal in the creation of this detailed but pithy collection, brief summaries of the histories of the institutions with descriptions of their collections, was to provide a comprehensive overview of museum life in Hungary, demonstrating its remarkable diversity, including internationally recognised points of interest and many less familiar but equally captivating treasures.
We hope to prompt the reader to explore the great wealth of the many collections, and we are confident that the book will serve as a useful guide for visitors to Hungary, both those who thirst to learn more about its cultural life, past and present, and those who wish merely to complement their travels in our homeland with a visit to one or two of our many museums and exhibitions.
The book includes examples of all of the various types of exhibition spaces. Each of the institutions either has its own collection (or collections) or regularly provides space for exhibitions. The book is divided into seven sections representing seven regions of Hungary. The book includes an index of names of the settlements and the institutions in which the reader will find both the Hungarian and the English names of the museums. The book consists of short but informative entries on the various institutions that include the contact information of the institutions (address, telephone number, homepage and email address, when available).
Price: 3.200 HUF (cc. 10 EUR)