Hungarian Culture in Numbers (Magyar Kultúra Számai)

The aim of the Hungarian Culture in Numbers (Magyar Kultúra Számai) project is to create a complex database that collects and publishes the most important cultural indicators of the period since 1990, as well as budget and all other data related to the field in an understandable form. The project fills a gap because there is currently no database available and accessible to everyone where these data can be studied and researched. The data does exist, however it is scattered and not organized, correlated or analyzed, and most of it is not publicly available. 

 On the website of the project named Hungarian Culture in Numbers (Magyar Kultúra Számai), we are creating a sub-page of the sector where the data becomes available and retrievable.



In the course of the project, we mainly research the data of the traditional arts and their institutions (theaters, museum institutions, archives, libraries, open-air performances, public cultural institutions, etc.) that form the core of culture. The database provides an opportunity for credible decision-making affecting society, the cultural profession and its employees, verifies the results of different funding, the operational efficiency of institutions, and the visibility of the benefits of social strata from different cultural goods and their trends over time. Our goal is to make our research an unavoidable reference point when presenting the cultural life of Hungarian society between 1990 and 2015, and when examining and analyzing the cultural activities of Hungarian governments.


Research carried out within the project supported by the Hungarian Academy of Arts (Magyar Művészeti Akadémia) are the following:

Public Cultural Institutions (2008-2016)

Similar to the cultural sectors examined earlier, we also collect, process and upload data to the project database related to the period of 2008-2016 when examining the Hungarian system of public cultural institutions. 

Library Research Program (2008-2016)

In the research we examined the recent operation of the Hungarian library system in order to present and analyze the period of 2008-2016. On the website of the project named Hungarian Culture in Numbers, we are creating a sub-page of the sector where the data becomes available and retrievable.

 Theatre Research Program (2006-2015) 

We have continued to collect data related to theaters and to organize them into a database for the period 2006-2015, taking into account the observations of the reconnaissance summarizing the data of the Hungarian theatres for the years 2006 and 2007, and 2012 and 2013.



Hírlevél feliratkozás

A Magyarság Kulturális Fővárosa Program előkészítését a Miniszterelnökség támogatja.

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