The case of the Hungarian Academy of Arts and Hall of Art in the light of the press - A Magyar Művészeti Akadémia és Műcsarnok-ügy a sajtó tükrében

The first major study of the Heritage Cultural Political Institution  (Örökség Kultúrpolitikai Intézet) examines the press coverage of the Hungarian Academy of Arts and the Hall of Art case (Magyar Művészeti Akadémia és Műcsarnok). The research went beyond the classical content analysis and drafted the chronology of the case – using other media releases – then analysed its press representation according to two main aspects. Finally the results of the research were compared and extended by the Institution’s own survey. The analysis can be freely referenced by source designation.

Opinion poll on the Hungarian Academy of Arts  (Magyar Művészeti Akadémia) and the planned change of ownership of the Hall of Art (Műcsarnok)

In 2012-2013 the political and press-polemics related to the Hungarian Academy of Arts (MMA) and the Hall of Art was doubtless one of the most decisive cultural political disputes of the present government cycle.

The Heritage Cultural Political Institution (Örökség Kultúrpolitikai Intézet) does not consider it its duty to take a position in this debate, however it wishes to reflect on its development by its own means. The Institution has published a longer analysis of the press coverage of the Hungarian Academy of Arts (MMA) case, which can be downloaded from our website. The most important data from the related poll are also published below.

The public opinion poll was commissioned by the Institution and constructed by Ipsos Zrt as part of its omnibus survey in March 2013. The data collection took place on 1-7 March following the reference period of the above press analysis. A sample of 1,000 people participated representing the adult Hungarian population (the proportion of the persons in the sample corresponds to the composition of the total population over 18 years of age in terms of the most important socio-demographic indicators).

As a result, the statistical margin of error for the total population is at most +- 3.2%. The data collection was done using a standardized questionnaire method on a personal request.

For further data and interpretation of the data, it is worth reading the full study, which discusses the results in the context of a review analysis of the press coverage of the Hungarian Academy of Arts (MMA) case. The study can be downloaded here.

Hírlevél feliratkozás

A Magyarság Kulturális Fővárosa Program előkészítését a Miniszterelnökség támogatja.

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