The Fate of State Immovables after the Regime Change - Az állami ingatlanvagyon sorsa a rendszerváltozás után

The publication contains an edited version of the presentations of the conference entitled The Fate of State Immovables after the Regime Change, supplemented by a study summarizing the results of research related to the topic.


The basic idea of the deliberation on which the publication is based originated from the realization that during the regime change in 1989-1990 the Hungarian society and even the state itself had no precise knowledge or comprehensive image about the wealth – particularly about the state immovables – of the state party and its satellite organizations operating on a so called “social basis”.

The conference was held as part of the State Reform Operational Program (Államreform Operatív Program), with the aim of preparing legal regulations for the protection of national state immovables. The lectures shed light on the historical antecedents and contexts, enabling the view of the problematic area in its complexity, as well as following the transformation of the ownership structure of the Hungarian national state immovables after the regime change.

The volume is not commercially available, it can be ordered free of charge (cash on delivery) or picked up in person at the Institution while stock lasts.

Hírlevél feliratkozás

A Magyarság Kulturális Fővárosa Program előkészítését a Miniszterelnökség támogatja.

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