Mosaic Museum Tour - Mozaik Múzeumtúra

Come with us and discover Hungary's diverse cultural offer!

Our museums and exhibition venues play a key role in the preservation and strengthening of national and local identities, in the provision of community cultural services, in scientific research, and in the international cultural representation of Hungary. However, their role of preserving and conveying values can only prevail if they have an audience, if their attendance rates are favourable.



The aim of the Mosaic Museum Tour (Mozaik Múzeumtúra) program is to address the potential audience of museums, especially the museum visitors of the future, such as the younger generation, but it also wishes to reach out to the stratum that already forms the audience of museums, to encourage them to visit the venues and thereby to increase the number of visitors to domestic museums and exhibition places.

To achieve these objectives, the implementation of the program is built around several key elements.

» Mosaic Museum Tour Books

The Heritage Cultural Political Institution (Örökség Kultúrpolitikai Intézet) has launched a gap-filling, representative book series of Hungarian museums within the framework of the 2014 Mosaic Museum Tour (Mozaik Múzeumtúra) program. The objective of the series is to present an extensive picture about the museum scene of Hungary, demonstrating its diversity, and pointing out both its well-known and hidden values and curiosities, while prompting the readers to visit and get acquainted with the institutes presented within. The first volume published is entitled 300 múzeum és kiállítóhely Magyarországon, which was followed by its English version (300 Museums and Exhibiton Spaces in Hungary) and its expanded version 500 Museums and Exhibitions in the Carpathian Basin (500 múzeum és kiállítóhely a Kárpát-medencében), as well as the tome focusing on our four great lakes 150 exhibitions and cultural attraction at the lakes of Hungary (150 kiállítóhely és kulturális látnivaló Magyarország tavainál). We hope that our publications will serve as a useful guide for those interested, whether they are practised museum visitors, families looking for meaningful weekend recreation, or educators planning a class trip. More info: Mosaic Museum Tour Books

» Sticker Collection game

The Sticker Collection game, which was the most prominent element of the program in 2014, has undergone a significant transformation. This time the game returns without a deadline, with simpler rules and an online surface. You can register for the game on our website or through the mobile application of Mosaic Museum Tour. (Mozaik Múzeumtúra)

Players can download the application for the game to their smartphone from our website or by using the QR code on the stop signs in front of the participating museums. By scanning the unique ID on the information board in the institutions they are confirming that they have actually exchanged tickets for that museum and have viewed the exhibition on display. After scanning the unique ID on the information board, a sticker about the visited institution will appear in their virtual sticker collection album.

In the game, players can get up to the next level by visiting 12 museums and collecting their stickers. When acquiring 12 stickers they become bronze grade, after collecting 24 stickers they become silver grade and with 36 stickers they become gold grade museum visitants.

There are no regional restrictions or deadlines in the game anymore, so each player can visit the museums with their favoured thematics at their own pace. The only rule is that a sticker of a certain museum can only be obtained once per level, meaning that 12 different museums must be visited in order to go to the next level.

To sum up:

DOWNLOAD the mobile app for Mosaic Museum Tour from the website (Android, iOS) or by using the QR code on the stop signs in front of the participating museums and register your details.

            FIND the Mosaic Museum Tour (Mozaik Múzeumtúra) Information Board at the participating museums.

            SCAN the unique QR code on the information board using the mobile application.

            COLLECT the 12 different stickers and COMPLETE the levels.

» Mosaic Museum Tour Mobile App

The mobile application is an indispensable tool for the sticker collecting game, but in addition it describes in detail the nearly 400 museums participating in the program, which can be searched by theme, location or alphabet. Moreover, current museum programs are displayed on the start page of the application. Read more: Mosaic Museum Tour application

» Events

Mosaic Museum Tour Roadshow (Mozaik Múzeumtúra Roadshow)

The main goal of the country roadshow is the Mosaic Museum Tour Program, including the promotion of Hungarian museums, museum visits and the sticker collection game related to the program. At the venues of the events, we are waiting for the visitors with various, diverse programs and museum pedagogical sessions throughout the whole day. The Mosaic Museum Tour Roadshow has so far reached 21 cities, with nearly 25,000 people participating in 224 museum programs of 61 participating museums.

Detailed programs of the roadshows are available in the News menu of our website or on our Facebook page!

Special Museum Tours 

Special museum tours are also part of the Mosaic Museum Tour program, in which the museums are selected on the basis of a common aspect: either their connection to a current topicality, a common theme, or their geographical location. In connection with the 1956 Memorial Year, our Museum Tour of ’56 program runs until the end of April, in which we collected the 1956-themed exhibitions in Budapest. The program is supported by the Commemorative Committee established for the 60th anniversary of the 1956 Revolution and War of Independence.

Together with the Association of  Landscapes-Ages-Museums (Tájak-Korok-Múzeumok), we are organizing one-day Sightseeing Museum Tours this year as well, during which we will visit each city's museums and cultural sights.

School education program

We consider it important to address our target group - the youngsters- in their school environment as well: we would like to draw their attention to the Mosaic Museum Tour program, the diverse offers of museums and the joys of visiting museums through playful quizzes, tasks and external museum pedagogical sessions. The traveling museum promotion program has so far visited a total of 23 schools in Budapest, 5 counties and beyond the borders, also. From counties of Baranya to Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén to the Highlands, nearly 5,000 students met with experiential, spectacular and meaningful museum pedagogy sessions, thanks to the involvement of 17 museums aimed at bringing students and teachers closer to the world of museums and making them enjoy visiting exhibitions.

Mosaic Museum Tour Day

The aim of the event is for the visiting classes and families to get to know a certain museum in Budapest in depth as much as possible. The museum was waiting for its visitors with special museum lessons, handcraft workshops, musical and dancing classes and other unusual guided tours, and cultural programs.

Mosaic Museum Tour at cultural, educational and family events in Budapest

In addition to our own events, we also participated in several cultural, educational and family events in Budapest, including the Legyen élmény a tanulás! (Make education thrilling!) educational expo, the Play-kid Children’s Day family festival, and the Night of the Museums cultural event. We regularly take part in the May Day of the Museums event with an independent tent and programs.

In 2018, the National Cultural Fund (NKA) celebrated its 25th anniversary, on what occassion an exhibition was organized compiled from various projects supported by the NKA College of Public Collections (Nemzeti Kulturális Alap - Közgyűjtemények Kollégiuma). The Mosaic Museum Tour (Mozaik Múzeumtúra) program was also selected among the 25 outstanding projects.

Detailed information about our various programs is available in the News menu on our website and on our Facebook page.

Join the Mosaic Museum Tour program, play with us and follow us so you don’t miss out on any of our events.

Hírlevél feliratkozás

A Magyarság Kulturális Fővárosa Program előkészítését a Miniszterelnökség támogatja.

Tájékoztató rendezvényeken készülő fényképfelvételekről és azok felhasználásáról:
Az Örökség Kultúrpolitikai Intézet tájékoztatja a rendezvényein résztvevőket, hogy az eseményeken kép- és hangfelvételeket készíthet.
A rendezvényeken részt vevők az azokon való részvétellel elfogadják és kifejezetten hozzájárulnak ahhoz, hogy róluk kép- és hangfelvétel készüljön. Tudomásul veszik, hogy a rendezvényen készült fotókat az Intézet a honlapján és közösségi média oldalain a rendezvény népszerűsítése, a rendezvényről tájékoztatás céljából felhasználhatja.
A rendezvényről készült felvételeket az Intézet jogosult átadni a rendezvény fellépőinek, szereplőinek honlapjukon és közösségi média oldalaikon történő felhasználásra.
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